Seating Charts Made Easier!

If there’s one thing that drive me crazy it’s seating charts! Every time a kid moves in, or voice changes from Soprano to Baritone (yes, it’s happened), I have to change and print a new seating chart so I can take attendance quickly.

Over the years I’ve finally landed on a quick(er) solution: Google Docs! I created a simple Google Doc with a customized table to represent the rows in my rehearsal room.

You do need to have a Google Account to use it. Now I do something odd. Well, and even, too. I have seats 1 and 2 in each row in the center. The numbers to my left are odd, and the numbers to my right are even. This way, when I’m making the seating chart, I can balance row lengths. Then, in performance, row A #1, is center, 1 and 2 split center in the second row, etc. So your windows are always between two adjacent numbers in front and behind you.

I also have stickers on each seat in my rehearsal space with the correct row and number. They come off easily, but I have a student aide who tapes them back on.

If you have any questions, let me know!

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Garrett Lathe